For a long time, virtual reality (VR) has been an expensive and niche technology. But with the right partners, it’s no longer something only a handful of companies have the resources to develop. Today, there are more than 20 companies that manufacture and sell VR gear—and most of them are available for purchase online. There are even services like io that make it easy to find, buy, and play VR games without ever leaving your home. Redefining what ‘entertainment’ means With the increasing number of virtual reality (VR) headset options available for consumers to buy online —-and the growing community of passionate developers creating content for them—it’s now possible to define “entertainment” more accurately. If you live in one of the countries where Google’s Daydream VR platform is available, you already know what we mean. But for many people who have yet to experience VR for themselves, this new technology might just be the next big thing in their life. So how do you know if virtual reality is right for you? Let's take a look at some of its key characteristics and see if it's right for you
The world is hungry for a better food system. It's time to decentralize and robotize every step of the food production process, from growing the produce all the way through to delivering it to your door. Foodtech startups are everywhere, and with good reason: These industries are exploding. The global market for nutritionally-dense foods, like almonds and cashews, is expected to reach $150 billion by 2024 — up from $39 billion in 2009. The same can be said for the global demand for protein-rich animal proteins like poultry and fish. The cost of these goods has been steadily dropping over the past few decades, making them accessible to anyone who wants to grow their business — or their garden — in more sustainable ways. That's what we do at iohk, a cognitive services company based in Switzerland that helps companies grow their businesses more efficiently by automating processes as well as providing human resources so team members can focus on what they do best: Building great
The world is flat, and the game of Go is Reversi. We can’t just play it like we can other board games: One player takes it easy on the rules, while the rest of us push ourselves to try and increase our score before our opponent does. The world is not flat, and as such, in order for us to have any chance of winning against an opponent who has more brains than knees, we must take into account what the rules of Reversi actually
How to play
Using Mouse